Lex Baiuvariorum is Bavaria’s most important and earliest source in terms of legal history. This monograph intends to give in-depth investigation of certain legal and social history aspects of Lex Baiuvariorum, at the same time dedicating ample room—as it is made absolutely necessary by the subject—to Medieval Latin philological analysis as well.
The first chapter, on the one hand, examines the history and society of Bavaria in the first half of the 8th c.; more specifically, dwells on Bavarian home and foreign affairs, development of the Bavarian church organisation, certain issues of the structure of society, namely, evolution of the Bavarian nobility and the status of freemen and slaves; on the other hand, analyses termination of the independent Bavarian Dukedom focusing on the dethronement of Tasilo III, the last duke of the Agilolfing dynasty and the legal background of dethronement. The second chapter deals with the history of the creation of Lex Baiuvariorum; more specifically, dwells on the issues of dating of Lex Baiuvariorum, possible connections between the content of the narrative in the Prologus and the process of making the code of laws, significance of the first two titles of the code in terms of dating and problems arising with regard to the process of editing Lex Baiuvariorum. The third chapter discusses the private and criminal law of Lex Baiuvariorum. The fourth chapter that analyses the language, sources and impact of Lex Baiuvariorum can be divided into the following parts. The subchapter discussing the German linguistic elements of the code focuses on the issues set out below: the general characteristics of the German phrases of Lex Baiuvariorum, the problems of the ex asse Bavarian phrases of the text of the code, expressions corresponding to Lex Alamannorum and terms that can be presumed to be of Bavarian origin. In the analysis of use of sources by the compilers of Lex Baiuvariorum it touches on the problems of possible secular and ecclesiastical sources of the code, Visigothic impact and the relation to Alemannian laws. From the history of the impact produced by Lex Baiuvariorum one circumstance is chosen: the influence exerted by the Bavarian lex on the laws of the first King of Hungary, Stephen I.
Preface 9
Introduction 13
II. 1. Lawsuit of Sextus Roscius from Ameria 23
II. 1. 1. Historical background of Pro Roscio Amerino 24
II. 1. 2. Statutory regulation of the crime of par(r)idicium 26
II. 1. 3. Handling the facts of the case in Pro Roscio Amerino 30
II. 2. Lawsuit of Aulus Cluentius Habitus 42
II. 2. 1. Historical background of Pro Cluentio 43
II. 2. 2. Applicability of lex Cornelia de sicariis et veneficis
in Cluentius’s lawsuit 46
II. 2. 3. The iudicium Iunianum and the “charge” of bribe in court of justice 49
II. 2. 4. Handling the charge of veneficium 68
II. 2. 5. Rhetorical tactics and double handling of the facts of the case in
Pro Cluentio 72
III. 1. Lawsuit of Lucius Licinius Murena 83
III. 1. 1. Historical background of Pro Murena 84
III. 1. 2. The order of election of consules and ambitus
– the role of associations 87
III. 1. 3. Contentio dignitatis as rhetorical strategy in Pro Murena 97
III. 2. Lawsuit of Cnaeus Plancius 106
III. 2. 1. Historical background of Pro Plancio 107
III. 2. 2. Contentio dignitatis and the patron’s auctoritas
as rhetorical tactics 108
IV. 1. Lawsuit of Marcus Caelius Rufus 123
IV. 1. 1. The Bona Dea scandal—beginnings of the fight between Cicero
and Clodius 124
IV. 1. 2. Historical background of Pro Caelio 129
IV. 1. 3. Ludi Megalenses as theatrical background of the lawsuit 132
IV. 1. 4. The “improvised” comedy as rhetorical strategy 133
IV. 2. Lawsuit of Publius Sestius 143
IV. 2. 1. Historical background of Pro Sestio 144
IV. 2. 2. Cum dignitate otium – definition of fundamental political values 150
IV. 2. 3. The basic values defined in Pro Sestio in De re publica 157
IV. 3. Lawsuit of Titus Annius Milo 160
IV. 3. 1. Historical background of Pro Milone 161
IV. 3. 2. Lawsuit of Milo – Cicero’s narrative and Asconius’s description 165
IV. 3. 3. Handling of the facts of the case in Pro Milone 173
IV. 3. 4. The published version of Pro Milone – reasons for publication 177
IV. 3. 5. The motif of killing the tyrant as further development
of lawful defence 178
V. 1. Marcus Claudius Marcellus’s case 187
V. 1. 1. Changes in the relation between Cicero and Caesar in
the mirror of Corpus Ciceronianum 188
V. 1. 2. The historical background of Pro Marcello and its place in
Cicero’s philosophy of the state 193
V. 1. 3. Rhetorical tactics in Pro Marcello 197
V. 1. 4. Sapientia Caesaris 204
V. 1. 5. Clementia and sapientia—alternatives of the Caesar image
and Caesar’s self-image 208
V. 2. “Lawsuit” of Quintus Ligarius 215
V. 2. 1. Historical background of Pro Ligario 216
V. 2. 2. Procedural issues of the lawsuit 222
V. 2. 3. Pro Ligario as deprecatio 225
V. 2. 4. Clementia Caesaris 229
V. 2. 5. The issue of legitimacy of Caesar’s power in the mirror
of Pro Ligario 231
V. 3. “Lawsuit” of King Deiotarus 236
V. 3. 1. Historical background and procedural law awkwardnesses
of Pro rege Deiotaro 237
V. 3. 2. Shaping Caesar’s image as rhetorical tactics in Deiotariana 239
I. Abbreviations of Antique Sources 251
II. Bibliographical Abbreviations 254
I. Index of Sources 269
II. Index of Subjects 297
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