Joseph (József) Géza Sinkovics was born in Budapest Hungary. After grammar school (1930-1934), he completed his high school education at Zrínyi Miklós Realgymnasium, Budapest (1934-1942). His mother enrolled him at the Medical Faculty of Pázmány Péter University and the residence, Collegium Medicum, Budapest, Hungary, in 1942. Attended one semester in Breslau and Halle an der Saale, Germany, in 1944-5. Served his internship at Rókus Hospital, Budapest; Szent Kereszt Hospital, Kalocsa; and Department of Neurology, University of Szeged, Hungary (1946-8). Received his Doctor of Medicine degree summa cum laude at Pázmány Péter University (now Semmelweis University) in 1948. He served as instructor at the Institute of Pathophysiology (1944; 1946-1948), and became assistant and adjunct professor at the Institute of Microbiology (Bacteriology & Immunology) at the University in Budapest (1948-1950). He was imprisoned and served as a physician at the tuberculosis wards of the ÁVH (State Security Police) Prison Hospital at Vác, at the Punitive Institution of State Security, until he was released and acquitted with “no crime committed” (1950-1954). He worked as senior virologist at the State Institute of Public Health, Budapest (1954-1956). He left Hungary in 1956. In the USA, he received a Rockefeller Fellowship at the Waksman Institute, Rutgers, The State University, New Brunswick, NJ (1957). He served as intern and resident physician at Cook County Hospital, Chicago, IL, and at the University of Texas M.D.
Anderson Hospital, Houston, TX (1958-1962). He passed all the examinations requested for foreign-trained physicians. In the State of Indiana, the board placed him in the “honor roll;” in the State of Florida, he scored over 98% correct answers; in Seattle, State of Washington, in the basic sciences examination, he achieved the highest score. On the staff of M.D. Anderson Hospital, he became professor and chief of the Section of Clinical Tumor Virology & Immunology, and chief of the Melanoma-Sarcoma Service, Department of Medicine (1962-1979). Dr. Sinkovics is board-certified in clinical pathology (1954); medical laboratory virology & public health (1962); internal medicine (1965; 1980); infectious & tropical diseases (1972); and medical oncology, including malignant hematological diseases (1977); and board eligible by training and practice in hematology (1980-). In 1966, he visited the East African Virus Research Institute in Entebbe, Uganda, Africa, and made the personal acquaintance of the surgeon Dennis Burkitt in Nairobi, Kenya. He practiced infectious diseases and medical oncology-hematology at North Ridge Hospital, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, and at Rosewood and many other hospitals in Houston, TX (1979-1983). He served as visiting professor at the Department of Virology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX (1979-1989) and as a consultant in clinical and research pathology at Veterans’ Medical Center, Houston, TX (1966-1993). In 1983, he became the medical director of the Community Cancer Center (now Cancer Institute) of St. Joseph’s Hospital, Tampa, FL, and professor of medicine and medical microbiology at the University of South Florida College of Medicine, where he also serves as consultant to the Sarcoma Service at the H.L. Moffitt Comprehensive Cancer Center. Since 1995, Dr. Sinkovics is engaged in the private practice of medical oncology-hematology at the Medical Arts Center, Tampa, FL. Dr. Sinkovics is the Member of the Hungarian Scientific Academy (1993) and several professional medical societies and editorial boards. The Secretary of State USA appointed him a consultant to the National Institutes of Health, Infectious and Allergic Diseases Department (1984-8). The Southern Medical Association of the USA awarded him with a gold medal (1992). In 2002 in Budapest, he most gratefully received the Centenarian Kaposi Award and Silver Plaque from Prof. Attila Horváth. Dr. Sinkovics is the single author of the textbook (Medical Oncology, an Advanced Course, vol I & II, Marcel Dekker, N. Y, 2nd ed, 1986, pp 2062 with 20,000 references) and several monographs (first of them, Die Grundlagen der Virusforschung, Verlag der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Budapest, 1956, pp 420); he is senior author of over 600 articles, book chapters and printed abstracts. Dr. Sinkovics prepared the manuscript of this book “Cytotoxic Lymphocytes…” at St. Joseph’s Hospital’s Cancer Institute, Tampa, FL, in 2007.
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